Seeking Session Facilitators and Group Coaches

I'm sure we can all remember that one wonderful teacher that we had at school? Or, that amazing first boss? Or that incredible mentor that inspired us to go further than we had ever hoped? 

Those people are special, right? And we believe there is a person just like that, thriving in ever one of you who saw fit to click on this article and read more.....

How would you like to be able to create your own ever-lasting legacy of helping someone to achieve their dreams? And, the added bonus of giving selflessly is that it tends to lead to a much greater state of happiness and contentment. 

You may have read in the earlier article, that we are launching the PWN Global Virtual Entrepreneurship to support female entrepreneurs who want to create, launch, and/or simply grow what theie own businesses? Well, we are also seeking willing volunteers to support us in this program as either Session Facilitators or Group Coaches. Find out more about what that means, here. 

If you believe that you have the requisite skills to take on either of these roles, please get in touch so we can tell you more about these exciting opportunities. 


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