PWN Paris: Women and Money, For Women In Every Country

Have you heard about the PWN Women & Money documentary? It’s the story of a Think Tank team that started taking new paths... Their findings on Women & Money lead to an extraordinary opportunity: our network’s first film, which is now available in a 100% English version!

This is the story of 4 ladies, trying to cope with their relationship with money. Finding little literature on this subject, they decided to launch an international PWN member survey back in 2013.

  • What were our members’ difficulties with money?
  • How do they manage?

65 questions, 15 countries, 850 respondents... giving us plenty of data to analyze. Five money workshops and a final round table later, we were ready to share our learning.

When conducting our previous Think Tank activities, we usually sum our findings in a book that is distributed throughout the network. But even though the team had made strong personal progress in money matters, especially in its personnel money management, they clearly felt a dilemma:  Who would want to read a book on money?

As experienced communication professionals living in a digital age, we recalled our best “money moments”. When did we truly enjoy the topic? Well, to be honest, when exchanging with our numerous, wonderful female experts we had interviewed over the years. That was the tipping point: we would make a film. This would be a great opportunity to meet up again with our experts, share the very best moments and most precious pieces of advice and package them to be shared with other women: friends, colleagues, daughters, and sons.

We were on our way... Héloïse Morel, a young Parisian filmmaker joined the team. We started interviewing by travelling in 2015 to  PWN Global's offsite meeting in Madrid, where we invited PWN’s international Presidents in front of our the camera. We filmed another 20 interviews. Our 2016 summer holidays were spent viewing hours of film rushes and cutting the best of the best moments to make a documentary that we proudly shared on September 19th with the helpful sponsorship of our partner Crédit Agricole SA in Amundi’s beautiful Montparnasse theatre in Paris.

The Women & Money project has always been international, and this for very good reasons: only 1% of the world’s wealth belongs to women, and there is still in average a 20% pay gap between men and women’s salaries – and this in ALL countries. But also thanks to the PWN community who had backed us for so many years, we realised that we face the same difficulties all over the globe. Grateful for the city networks support, we decided to propose, on top of the first French documentary, an international version. 

Sonya Richardson12 months after having interviewed Sonya Richardson and numerous PWN city network Presidents, Corinne Albert and Ulrike Lehmann were invited to the PWN Global offsite meeting in Milan, at the end of 2016, to present the international version of the documentary film. Feedback was enthusiastic, generating immediately new presentation opportunities!

Even stronger, thanks to our Milan experience, our objective is clear: show and share this film with the widest audience possible. The “Women & Money” documentary is one of these initiatives that help us promote positively the situation of women. It’s a great tool to federate all our countries and get us talking on a very personal but necessary topic. Objective: make a better use of our resources.

This is a free, qualitative and efficient tool to animate and educate all the communities you belong to. It’s an opportunity to involve newcomers, attract sponsors and the media, all in one! We, women, all need to talk about money together, in our private and/or business life, to become more self-confident, ambitious, audacious and dare take risks to reach our crazy dreams! Money is our best partner to achieve them.

We need to take action! Showing this film everywhere and all together in our networks - live and virtual - is an easy and fantastic way for us all to help women become aware, grow and take their place in the business world. We need your support and action. This film is yours now! 

Check it out in two versions:


Article written by Ulrike Lehmann, PWN Paris
Think Tank W&M: Corinne Albert, Ulrike Lehmann, Corinne Hirsch




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