The new Entrepreneurship Academy: Closing the gap for a sustainable future

Would anyone argue against the social and economic advantages that women entrepreneurs bring to their communities and the global economy? It seems unlikely.  However, in 2021, female entrepreneurs continue to struggle to start, grow, and expand their businesses compared to their male counterparts. Point blank, women continue to face challenges – financially, professionally, personally – that hinder their growth, confidence, and abilities to excel in a business environment.

What’s more, there are huge differences and gaps between men and women entrepreneurship ventures, both in developed and developing countries. Europe features particularly poorly in this respect. According to a study carried by the Global Entrepreneurship Research Association, in most developed countries, the rate of male entrepreneurs was 50 to 100 per cent higher than that of female entrepreneurs. Shall we do something about it? 

As we continue to advance PWN Global objectives of achieving gender balance and empowering women, the answer is a clear yes. It is imperative to take a closer look at women’s entrepreneurship and recognize the shortcomings that are still existent. Significant work remains to be done to encourage and support women entrepreneurs and their ability to build economic security for themselves, their families, their communities, and their countries.

Encouraging women to develop their businesses but also to enter traditionally male-dominated sectors and move into business with high growth potential (technology, finance, etc) is key to reducing the gender gap and supporting global economic development

The advantages are clear. Research shows that female-founded and co-founded startups tend to perform better than all-male ones. Ultimately, businesses founded and led by women deliver higher revenue - more than twice as much per dollar invested- than those founded by men. The Harvard Business Review also found that women outscore men in most leadership skills, such as teamwork, innovation and problem solving. In short, women are a force to be reckoned with. Advancing women’s equality could add 12 trillion dollars to the global economy by 2025. The benefits for current and future generations of encouraging women entrepreneurship are pretty obvious. 

So, what are we doing about it? 

At PWN Global, we believe entrepreneurship is at the core of gender balanced leadership. So we created a program, the Entrepreneurship Academy, that provides clear and pragmatic support to aspiring and seasoned entrepreneurs who need guidance to turn their ideas into reality or to grow their business. The objective is clear: to equalize existing disparities and support female economic empowerment. 

We do this in two ways: First, we offer an expanded, established and important network of like-minded entrepreneurs who provide insight, guidance and shared knowledge. Second, we offer personalized learning assistance and first-class education in every phase of their journey. 

The Academy is different from existing programs in several ways. Notably, it provides a holistic approach that includes online education, group discussions, webinars, coaching, networking and mentoring. We capitalize our global network to create a community that goes well beyond the classroom, allowing women entrepreneurs to develop and shine. 

The program is the fruit of the Entrepreneurship Committee members’ huge effort volunteers who are truly convinced that women entrepreneurship can help improve women’s quality of life and global economic and social development. 

 PWN Global Entrepreneurship Academy

Call for support

We need you. Your support to the Academy’s mission is essential to help women, globally, realize their full potential. As a voluntary-based, non-profit organization, PWN Global and its Entrepreneurship Committee are dependent on external funding of our operations, so that we may offer our services at a competitive and affordable rate and, in turn, expand the breadth and extent of our program.  

Please get in touch with the Business Development team of the Entrepreneurship Committee to discuss opportunities in more detail. 



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