Ready for Female Leadership: The Future is NOW

From mid-2020 until the end of 2021, 28 members of PWN Netherlands each contributed to a collection of essays that have been bought together to form a book - Ready for Female Leadership? The Future is Now. Though we were/are all members of the network, this was an independent project to connect and sustain us through the COVID pandemic.


In the words of Robert Baker, CEO Potentia Talent Consulting Limited and Ambassador for PWN Global, who wrote the Foreword for this book: “This book is much needed and very timely. As we all emerge from, and indeed learn to live with, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, serious questions are being asked about what we want from work, how we work, and the kind of leadership we need for the future.

The central theme of this book is that the world is ready for, and will hugely benefit from, gender equality and female leadership. Equally, it means that men will need to rethink their approach to work and careers and share responsibility for the home and family. This can liberate men from the stereotypes and bias we face. It can also benefit us in a variety of ways, for example with improved mental health.”

The 28 authors are diverse in gender, culture, age and background, representing 16 different nationalities. The essays in this book were based upon the guiding pillars of PWN Netherlands. They include:

  • Financial/Data-Tech/Emotional Intelligences
  • Career Development
  • Mentoring/Sponsoring
  • Networking 
  • Men As Allies  

In order to publish the book, the Ready For Female Foundation was set up. With the publication on Amazon completed in January 2022, much effort was put in by the Foundation Team to promote the book. 

During the course of that year, as interest in the book was growing, we came to the realization that besides the book, much needs to be done to create awareness about the gender inclusive leadership qualities necessary for a sustainable future. What have been considered ‘nice to have’ qualities in the past need to become ‘must haves’ in leadership, regardless of gender. 

With this realization, came the awareness that the name of our Foundation could hinder our further progress in this area. By focusing on the feminine, it ‘appeared’ as if we were talking only to women instead of feminine qualities in all genders. Although gender balanced leadership is, and remains a goal for us, in going back to a statement from Robert Baker in his foreword, we need to break from the gender stereotypical thinking that has handicapped all of us. All leaders, regardless of their gender, need to be balanced in their leadership qualities. We all must understand the importance of incorporating and respecting all of the necessary qualities to create a viable future. 

With this in mind, we are currently reviewing the name of our Foundation....more to follow.

Next to the book, our offerings to companies and organizations include workshops, panel discussions, podcasts, and individual coaching in the gender inclusive leadership qualities. Profits from the book and its additional services allow us to continue this work. No author benefits from the book sales.

In December 2022, we were able to donate €2500 to Feminenza Netherlands. In the future, part of the profits we generate as a non-profit, will be donated to support foundations aligned with our goals.

Please get in touch if you'd like further information regarding our services. And, don't forget to sign up for the PWN Global webinar that we'll be delivering in June - Shattering Stereotypes - How We all Benefit – Men Too!



Date: April 2023
Author: Maryjane Roy, Ready For Female Foundation and Robert Baker, Potentia Talent Consulting





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