We'd Love Your Opinion

Speak to anyone around the world and they'll tell you how challenging the post-Pandemic world has been to navigate. Here at PWN Global, we are focused on re-building our pre-Pandemic momentum to advance gender balance in the workplace and society in general.

We realise that to continuously improve, we have to stay close to our members, to understand what they need to progress. That's the reason we've launched our global membership survey.

If you're a current, or lapsed PWN member, please help us by taking a moment to complete our survey. Tell us what you think: what we're doing well, what you'd like to see improve, and, share your new ideas.

The survey is the latest idea of PWN Global's recently elected VP Membership, and former President and founder of PWN Lisbon, Monica Santiago, had this to say:

"PWN Global and our family of city networks are run by volunteers. In order to be successful we depend on the support of people who are as passionate as we are about making a difference.  You may not be in a position to invest time as a volunteer, but we hope you can spare 10 minutes to give us your opinion on how you think we can make the largest possible impact.

Also, if anyone would like to reach out to me, directly, regarding their experiences, I would welcome those contacts: monica.santiago@pwnglobal.net "

Thank you in advance.



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