PWN Global Webinar: To Make Better Decisions, Get A Purple Team

22 February 2024 13:00 CET - 14:00 CET ZOOM WEBINAR

How to make better decisions faster? 

In her interactive keynote, Lison Mage answers this question like no other, sharing the game-changer concept of “purple team”, to improve our decisions and team performance. 

Lison explains how to use this innovative technique to remove blind spots, tackle flawed assumptions and challenge status quo cultures. Going one step further, she gives the keys for leaders to effectively assemble powerful “purple teams” and leverage cognitive diversity. 

All attendees will: 

  • Gain insights into the business benefits of cognitive diversity, 
  • Learn how to make better decisions faster with purple teams, 
  • Know how to overcome the ‘echo chamber’ and encourage one’s to think differently. 
  • Feel empowered for their next decisions to come.   

Don’t wait and join Lison for this exciting experience! It’s time to think remarkably and act decisively.   


Event details

Member price
€0 per attendee
Non-member price
€30 per attendee
Other details
If you have any questions relating to this event, please contact Rebecca Fountain
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