PWN Netherlands: IWD event "Inspiring Inclusion: Overcoming Obstacles, Creating Connections."

12 March 2024 17:30 CET - 20:30 CET You will receive the address after registration

Join us on the evening of 12th March 2024 for an engaging and thought-provoking event focused on "Inspiring Inclusion: Overcoming Obstacles, Creating Connections." This event aims to delve into the critical aspects of fostering inclusion in various spheres as our way to celebrate International Women's Day together with our partners at Diageo, The Spirited Women Network.

We'll kick off the evening with a warm welcome as we gather to explore the transformative power of inclusion together with different speakers and a panel discussion.

Keynote Speakers: 

Karlijn Straver - Program Manager Women Inc 

Hanneke Takkenberg-  Executive Director Erasmus Center for Women and Organizations 

Nadia Ahmed-  Insights & Learning Partner Diageo 


Ana Herrero- Wallace - President PWN Netherlands

Sally Smallman - Global Consuming Planning Director, Scotch & Gin

To keep this session interactive, participants will have the opportunity to discuss and reflect on key takeaways from the event and explore actionable ways to enhance inclusivity in their own personal and professional spheres.

If time permits and the enthusiasm persists, we encourage participants to stay longer for further discussions and networking opportunities.

Don't miss this chance to be part of an inspiring evening dedicated to breaking barriers, forging connections, and championing inclusivity.

Please register below being aware that the room capacity is limited. We look forward to seeing you there!

Event details

You will receive the address after registration

Member price
€0 per attendee
Non-member price
€45 per attendee
Other details
Parking will be available downstairs in the Diageo carpark. Follow the signs!
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