PWN Rome | SAVE THE DATE | Women and technology: what prospects with AI | March, the 20th

20 March 2024 18:00 - 20:00 PWN Rome HeadQuarters

Two women, two navigators in the ethical and legal profiles of Artificial Intelligence.... are we distant, are we close? Is it an ally or an obstacle? What present are we living in and what future will we experience in a normative or self-regulated hell?

The discovery of fire and the press were epochal transformations for humanity, they allowed the creation and dismantling of identity aggregations, weak and disaggregated before and then?

To wage wars you need weapons, to make peace you need ideas: can Artificial Intelligence be an Idea?

Free entry until the maximum capacity of 50 places is reached.

Do not miss it!

Event details

  • When: March, the 20th, 6 pm - 8 pm
  • Where: PWN Rome Headquarter - Via di Pietra, 70  
  • Fee: FREE for Members 
  • Please register online BELOW to sign up to the event


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Event details

PWN Rome HeadQuarters
Via di Pietra, 70
Member price
€0 per attendee
Non-member price
€0 per attendee


  • Mrs Clelia Piperno
    Vice President PWN Global VIEW PROFILE
  • Mrs Fabiana Di Porto
    Technology Law's Professor Unitelma Sapienza and Luiss VIEW PROFILE

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