International Mentoring Programme 2024

UPDATE: Registration Open 1st - 29th February 2024
Programme start date: Mid-March 2024

Click here to become a mentee.  

INVESTMENT:  The fee to take part in the International Mentoring Programme is €200 - please click here to make your payment.

Click here to become a mentor. 

Why embark on a journey as a mentee?

Why embark on a journey as a mentor?

  • Are you making/Do you want to make a career step abroad?
  • Do you feel the need to grow your leadership in an international context?
  • Do you want to reinforce your decision-making skills in a multicultural environment?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, the International Mentoring Programme will be a significant boost in reaching your goal! 

  • Do you enjoy developing people?
  • Do you feel your international experience as a leader could benefit other women managers?
  • Do you believe that women should network more actively across the globe?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, the International Mentoring Programme may prove to be very satisfying. 

What benefits do you receive as a mentee? 

  • Benefit from another female leader’s experience in managing her career internationally.
  • Have a “safe place” to ask questions, share ideas, and discuss challenges in a confidential setting.
  • Collect useful advice, avoid traps, and therefore improve your chances of transforming efficiently
  • Acquire new perspectives on how to grow inside and outside your organization. 
  • Expand your network internationally and build professional relationships. 
  • Get tips on how to adapt – both professionally, and personally - to another country, and manage cultural differences 
  • Work with someone experienced to decode some of the transversal dynamics of an international position, together with culturally specific power games that may arise. 

What benefits do you receive as a mentor? 

  • Share your international experience while giving back to society and advancing gender balanced leadership 
  • Experience the personal fulfilment of supporting another woman in developing her skills and career 
  • Contribute to the realisation of another woman’s potential  
  • Get the pleasure of seeing your “protégé” face her challenges successfully 
  • Develop your own leadership skills as a mentor 
  • Get additional insights on your industry, or some new insights from a different arena 


Georgeta Dendrino

"I love this quote from Denzel Washington, 'Show me a successful individual and I’ll show you someone who had real positive influences in his or her life. I don’t care what you do for a living—if you do it well, I’m sure there was someone cheering you on or showing the way. A mentor.' 

I’ve been a mentor for people from different parts of the world for the last 7 years and i can say that this is a deeply enriching experience. Working across cultures is rewarding both for the mentor and the mentee as they get to improve not only communication, flexibility, adaptation, agility, but also reframing, seeing things from different perspectives, leading in a multicultural environment, getting messages accross while being tolerant, inclusive. I highly recommend the International Mentoring Program at PWN Global." 

Georgeta Dendrino
Managing Director, Interact


Am I eligible to be a Mentee? 

Some of the characteristics we expect from a mentee are: 

  • Having already made a career step abroad or willing to develop your career internationally in the coming year 
  • Be committed to engaging with your mentor, both in terms of time and actions 
  • Taking the ownership of your self-development  
  • Willing to push yourself out of your comfort zone 
  • Eager to learn from others’ experiences 
  • Ready to engage with a mentor potentially from a different nationality and/or living in a different country 

The International Mentoring Programme will also offer you various occasions to leverage your mentoring experience.  For instance, you will be trained as a mentee and receive a Mentee Toolkit. You will also benefit from the experiences of other mentees at Virtual Mentee Gatherings that will give you the chance to exchange views on mentoring and on how to develop a career internationally. 

INVESTMENT: The fee to take part in the International Mentoring Programme is € 200, payable prior to the start of the program. 

CLOSING DATE: Application for our 2024 Programme will close on 23rd February 2024.

Kindly take a moment to complete the questionnaire. We will be collecting questionnaires until the closing date on February 23rd to ensure an optimal pairing between mentees and mentors. After the closing date, we will pair you with a mentor and you will be contacted accordingly. 


Am I eligible to be a Mentor?  

To be part of the International Mentoring Programme, you need to have your PWN Premium Membership or your Online Membership active. Not a member? You can join here

Some of the characteristics, we expect from a mentor: 

  • Having already experienced 3-5 years in a European or International career
  • Having worked with teams in minimum 2 different countries or having worked regularly in 4 different countries
  • Being a people manager (directly/indirectly) 
  • Being committed to your engagement with your mentee both in terms of time and dedication 
  • Eager to share your experiences, best practices and lessons learnt 
  • Ready to open your own network to your mentee 
  • Skilled in providing honest feedback and open guidance  
  • Ability to quickly create a trustworthy relationship with a non-judgmental attitude 
  • Ready to engage with a mentee potentially from a different nationality and/or living in a different country 

If this is your first time as a mentor, don’t worry. You will get the support you’ll need from the Programme. For instance, you will be trained as a mentor and receive a Mentor Toolkit. You will also benefit from the best practices of other mentors via Virtual Mentor Gatherings that will give you the chance to exchange views on mentoring.  

As a mentor, the International Mentoring Programme will be free of charge for you. 

Kindly take a moment to complete the questionnaire. We will be collecting questionnaires until the closing date on February 23rd to ensure an optimal pairing between mentees and mentors. After the closing date, we will pair you with a mentee and you will be contacted accordingly

CLOSING DATE: Application for our 2024 Programme will close on 23rd February 2024.

How will the International Mentoring Programme work? 

Your International Mentoring Program will last for 8 months, from Mid-March 2024 and will close (at the latest) and the end of November 2024. It requires a minimum of a two-hours per month commitment from participants.

Although, the mentoring pairs will be completely free to organize themselves, we recommend that you meet virtually once every 4 to 6 weeks, which means 4 to 6 times in total. The duration of your meetings is up to you. From our experience, an effective meeting may last between 45 and 90 minutes. We suggest you use platforms such as Microsoft Teams or Zoom. Videoconferencing helps to create a stronger bond as you will be able to see each other. You may also exchange emails, text messages in-between meetings. 


Not ready for the International Mentoring Programme yet? 

Join your local PWN City Network Mentoring Programme. PWN provides an effective mentoring structure to ensure that you get the most out of your mentoring experience, by calling upon a wide range of mentors, ensuring the best possible match for you, and following up on your progress through the mentoring cycle to ensure that the experience is a positive one. The mentoring programs in PWN’s city networks is cited in surveys as one of the top elements of satisfaction for members of PWN. See mentoring programs in our city networks below: 

Sao Paulo
Zug & Zurich     

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